Thursday, December 24, 2020


I've changed the rationale of this blog about three times now, and this change-- the result of my getting played out with respect to the EFF game-- hearkens back to the original rationale of my first post here, which was merely about spotlighting examples of femmes formidables in action, all of which were meant to refute the fallacy that female characters lack "agency" in pop culture.

But a few things have changed since 2010. Back then, I was largely dependent on what random images happened to show up on Google Images and suchlike. But now there are other resources, not least Read Comics Online, which make it possible to excerpt images reprinted within the online reprints, as opposed to using whatever imagtes other bloggers may have scanned.

Instead of maintaining the "diachronic" angle that still appears in the header, now I'm just going to proceed alphabetically as I explore numerous, sometimes obscure examples of femme formidable action, usually if not exclusively in the comics medium, False modesty aside, I know a helluva lot about comics, so there's a lot of material to spotlight. There's no analytical project here as there was with the diachronic critiques; just a broad overview of what kinds of female agency have appeared over the years. Each entry will focus on some female character, alphabetized by the first letter in the name, staring with the given name in the case of regular cognomens.

This is also the sort of project where I can just toss in one or two short posts whenever I happen to find the time.

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