Of these four pages, only the last merits a little comment. In this weird tale, Phantom Lady investigates a country estate because a handful of women have been violently slain in the area. The estate is occupied by a man named Pfyffe, his sister Calla, and their midget retainer. The results of the investigation: the sister is a killer werewolf guilty of the murders, but Pfyffe is about to expose her publicly. The midget, who's in love with Calla, seeks to protect her by dressing up in the costume of a reptilian monster and clawing anyone who gets into Pfyffe's swimming pool (!) The phony monster eventually succeeds in killing Pfyffe but as Phantom Lady witnesses, the midget's reward is to be strangled to death by Calla with her purely-human-girl strength. And this isn't even one of the stories picked on by Frederic Wertham.
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