Monday, September 5, 2022


 The new character "Hiyori" is much more low-key and non-violent than either Sohara or any of the Angeloids, but even she ends up inflicting pain upon Tomoki. She witnesses him take a flop while chasing a pair of loose panties, and in so doing he gets manure on his head. Everyone at school mocks Tomoki, so he retreats to a local forest. Hiyori becomes concerned that he may try to commit suicide and talks the others into following him there. Once there, all the girls see that the disconsolate youth has used Angeloid tech to create numerous mini-clones of himself to commiserate with him. But the clones, having no reasoning powers, attack the girls, though they don't do anything more than their model ever does, which means lots of groping. Yet Tomoki steps up with an act of chivalry with a touch of masochism, revealing that the clones can be destroyed if they're kicked in the balls. Unfortunately, when each of the clones is so kicked, Tomoki feels it, but he stoically endures it all, even when the well-meaning Hiyori is obliged to slay the last clone. Nevertheless, Tomoki makes a full recovery and Hiyori then confesses that she really really likes him-- an action in marked contrast to the other girls, who can't quite admit their feelings. Verdict: UNJUSTIFIED, since the girls wouldn't have been molested if they hadn't intruded on Tomoki.

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